Extremely adaptable and with a high load-bearing capacity

PERI UP Flex Facade Scaffolding

Pick up speed without compromising safety

The PERI UP scaffolding kit can meet almost any application required including facade access.  Integrating all of the normal safety features of PERI UP, the highly efficient and intuitive system enables rapid installation without compromising safety.

The system can be used for high load-bearing facade scaffolds, with the decking mounted directly on to the ledgers with bay lengths adjustable in 25cm increments. Connecting other system components to the standards is possible using the 50cm node spacings.  Built in safety is provided through the integrated lock against lifting of decks, and the gravity lock for safe and secure ledgers.

Save time and costs, keep on schedule and realise the benefits of the highest levels of quality and safety with PERI UP Flex Facade.    

PERI UP Flex Facade Scaffolding in action

  • Extremely adaptable and with a high load-bearing capacity
    Extremely versatile

    Adjustments are carried out in a uniform grid arrangement of 25cm which provides a high level of flexibility for complex facade scaffolding

  • The scaffolding width can be choosen freely selectable and can be adapted to met a wide range of requirements.
    Gap-free decking

    Ensure the safety of workers and the general public.  Each bay has a gap-free deck thanks to the versatile system to bay widths, lengths and complex geometries 

  • PERI UP flex Modular Working Scaffold: Circular structures can also be easily scaffolded with PERI UP flex.
    High load-bearing capacity

    Up to Load Class 6 depending on the assembly.

Product Data Sheet


Interested in using PERI UP Flex Facade Scaffolding for your project?

Feel free to give us a call at +63 2 8831 8835, extension 120, to discuss your specific requirements in more detail.