SB Stützbock: Zuverlässiges Betonieren von einhäuptigen Wänden bis 8,75 m Höhe.

SB Brace Frame

The adaptable single-sided formwork system for operations up to 8.75 m high

SB Brace Frames transfer the fresh concrete pressure into the sub-structure and foundations during single-sided concreting of structural elements. It can be used with all PERI wall formwork systems and in addition, SB Brace Frames can be used as horizontal heavy-duty brackets.

SB Brace Frame in action

  • Very versatile use with all PERI wall formwork as well as horizontal heavy-duty brackets.
    Highly versatile system

    Integrates with PERI wall formwork systems as well as horizontal heavy-duty brackets for complex infrastructure and building projects 


    Project: Luton DART Rail Link

  • as all required connection parts are already mounted on the Brace Frame.
    Rapid connections with minimum components

    Connecting parts are already mounted on the Brace Frame to ensure fast and smooth assembly and dismantling operations on site


    Project: Mersey Gateway

  • Easy to transport through matching the individual component geometries to suit truck and container dimensions.
    Easy transportation

    Each individual component can be configured to suit truck and container dimensions.


    Project: Regent Street Flyover

Product Data Sheet

Interested in using SB Brace Frames for your project?

Feel free to give us a call at +63 2 8831 8835, extension 120, to discuss your specific requirements in more detail.

